• My life can expand and grow and be as big and glorious as I want it to be • I am blessed and prospered at every turn
• I begin today to live consciously. I become aware of what I am thinking.
• I feel as young or old as I choose to feel.
• I say yes to life, and life says yes to me
• Write these words and post them in a conspicuous place in your living environment: This Too Shall Pass
• Take time to be an impartial observer of life, particularly when an ending is causing despair.
• Trust those you are entrusted to lead
• See the miraculous in everything
• Change your life by consciously choosing to be in a state of gratitude
• I am flexible and flowing. I easily adapt to new changes.
• I say yes to opportunity, prosperity, and all that is good
• Everything falls into place today. All is Well.
• I replace doubt and fear with forgiveness
• I am a preceious being that is loved by the universe.
• We need to do more than just treat the symptom. We need to eliminate the cause of the dis-ease.
• When the student is ready the teacher appears. Not a moment before and not a moment later.
• Every experience I have is perfect for my growth
• I respect others for being different, but not wrong. We are all one
• Every change in my life can lift me to a new level of understanding.
• The Universe provides abundantly when you’re in a state of gratitude.
• I release my feelings of competition or comparison. I simply do my best and enjoy being me.
• I embrace my entire being with love and compassion
• I turn every experience into an opportunity
• There is a difference between responsibility and blame. When we talk about responsibility, we are really talking about having power.
• When we talk about blame, we are talking about making wrong. Responsibility is a gift because it gives you the power to make changes.
• I have the power to make changes
• It is very comfortable to play victim, because it is always someone else’s fault. You have to stand on your own and take some responsibility
• When we are ready to make positive changes in our lives, we attract whatever we need to help us.
• My thinking is peaceful, calm and cantered.
• I am free to think wonderful thoughts. I am in control of my own mind.
• Change your expectations for yourself: Expect the best, expect your fortunes to change, and expect a miracle!
• Everything I do is by Choice.
• If you live fully in the moment you can’t be hurt by the past, no matter what it was.
• Relax and enjoy life. Know that whatever you need is revealed to you in the perfect time space sequence.
• If you believe you did something wrong, then you are going to find a way to punish yourself.
• Every moment is a new beginning. My life is so sweet.
• I choose harmony and loving communication wherever I am.
• I now choose to release every negative, destructive, fearful idea and thought from my head and my life.
• I focus on positive thoughts because the words I think and the words I speak create my experiences.
• My life continues to get better and better. I now move into my greater good.
• This is the beginning of a new phase of my life.
• I am honest, honourable, and act with integrity. Life loves me.
• I bless the gift of disappointment.
• Any mistakes I make are merely stepping stones on my pathway.
• I allow myself to think big dreams.
• Giving service is my highest priority.
• Patience is my spiritual practice.
• All my work is of the highest quality.
• I have faith in myself and the process I am going through.
• I am finding my own voice.
• I teach only what I have learned for myself.
• I am becoming an expert in my field.
• I am incredibly successful.
• Today I create a new life, with new rules that totally support me.
• It is easy for me to walk through new doors and I am always welcome.
• The Ocean of Life is lavish with abundance. Whenever I need anything, I know that it will be provided.
• Today is a day for you to begin creating a joyous, fulfilling future. Today is the day to begin to release all your limitations.
Today is the day for you to learn the secrets of life. You can change your life.